rails logger info

The Rails logger.info method is used to log informational messages in a Ruby on Rails application. Here is an explanation of each step involved in using this method:

  1. The logger object is an instance of the Logger class, which is built into Rails. It provides a way to log messages in different severity levels, such as info, debug, warn, error, and fatal.

  2. The info method is called on the logger object. This method is specifically used to log informational messages. You can also use other methods like debug, warn, error, or fatal depending on the severity of the message you want to log.

  3. Inside the info method, you pass a string argument that represents the message you want to log. This can be a simple string or a variable that contains the message. For example, logger.info("This is an informational message") or logger.info("The current user is #{current_user.name}").

  4. When the info method is executed, it writes the message to the log file specified in the Rails configuration. By default, Rails logs to the development.log file in the log folder of your Rails application.

  5. The log file contains a timestamp, the severity level (in this case, info), and the message itself. This log file is useful for debugging and monitoring the application's behavior.

  6. It's important to note that the logger.info method should be used for informational messages that are relevant for debugging or monitoring purposes. It's not recommended to log sensitive or private information using this method.

That's it! The logger.info method allows you to log informational messages in your Ruby on Rails application, providing valuable insights into its behavior.