rails generate controller no respec

To generate a controller in Ruby on Rails without the default RESTful actions, you can use the command "rails generate controller [name] --no-resource-route". Here is an explanation of each step involved:

  1. "rails generate controller": This is the command used to generate a new controller in Ruby on Rails. It creates the necessary files and directory structure for the controller.

  2. "[name]": Replace this with the name you want to give to your controller. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the controller.

  3. "--no-resource-route": This is an option that tells Rails not to generate the default RESTful routes for the controller. By default, Rails generates routes for actions like index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy. However, if you don't need these actions, you can use the "--no-resource-route" option to exclude them.

By using this command, you will generate a controller without the default RESTful actions and routes. This gives you more control over the actions and routes specific to your application's needs.