ruby create engine using rspec and dummy

To create an engine using RSpec and Dummy in Ruby, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your engine.

  3. Use the rails plugin new command to generate a new engine. For example, if you want to create an engine called "my_engine", you can run the following command: rails plugin new my_engine --mountable --dummy-path=spec/dummy --skip-test

  4. The --mountable option creates a mountable engine.

  5. The --dummy-path option specifies the path for the dummy application.
  6. The --skip-test option skips the generation of test files, as we will be using RSpec.

  7. Navigate into the newly created engine directory: cd my_engine

  8. Open the my_engine.gemspec file and add the necessary dependencies, including RSpec, to the spec.add_development_dependency block: ruby spec.add_development_dependency "rspec-rails"

  9. Save the changes to the my_engine.gemspec file.

  10. Open the Gemfile and add the RSpec gem: ruby group :development, :test do gem 'rspec-rails' end

  11. Run the bundle install command to install the RSpec gem and its dependencies.

  12. Generate the RSpec configuration files by running the following command: rails generate rspec:install

This command will create the necessary files and directories for RSpec.

  1. Create the dummy application by running the following command: bin/rails app:dummy

    This command will generate a dummy application inside the spec/dummy directory.

  2. Your engine is now set up with RSpec and the dummy application. You can start writing your tests in the spec directory.

Please note that these steps assume you have Ruby and Rails installed on your system, and that you are familiar with the basics of Ruby and Rails development.