add edit or --wait for rails credentials edit windows

To add, edit, or wait for Rails credentials edit on Windows using Ruby, follow these steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt:
  2. Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

  3. Navigate to Your Rails Application:

  4. Use the cd command to navigate to your Rails application directory.

    bash cd path\to\your\rails\app

  5. Add/Edit Credentials:

  6. To add or edit credentials, use the following command and replace KEY and VALUE with your desired credential information.

    bash rails credentials:edit

  7. This command will open the default text editor to modify your credentials.

  8. Save Changes:

  9. After adding or editing the credentials, save the changes and close the text editor.

  10. --wait Option (Optional):

  11. If you want to wait for the editor to be closed before continuing, add the --wait option to the command:

    bash rails credentials:edit --wait

  12. This will make the command wait until the text editor is closed before proceeding.

  13. Exit Command Prompt:

  14. Close the Command Prompt when you have finished editing the credentials.

Note: Ensure that your system has the necessary text editor configured in the EDITOR environment variable for the rails credentials:edit command to work properly. Additionally, the --wait option may not be supported by all text editors.