ruby map hash

# Creating a hash with keys as integers and values as strings
original_hash = { 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three' }

# Using map on the hash to transform its keys and values
transformed_hash = do |key, value|
  new_key = key * 2       # Doubling each key
  new_value = value.upcase # Converting each value to uppercase
  [new_key, new_value]    # Creating an array with the new key-value pair
end.to_h                   # Converting the resulting array back to a hash

puts transformed_hash.inspect

Explanation: 1. original_hash is a hash created with keys as integers and values as strings. 2. map iterates through each key-value pair in original_hash. 3. Inside the block, key * 2 doubles each key, storing the result in new_key. 4. value.upcase converts each value to uppercase and stores it in new_value. 5. [new_key, new_value] creates an array containing the new key-value pair. 6. The map method returns an array of modified key-value pairs. 7. .to_h converts the resulting array back into a hash. 8. transformed_hash contains the modified hash with doubled keys and uppercase values. 9. puts transformed_hash.inspect prints the modified hash to the console.