ruby each do method

The each method in Ruby is an iterator method that allows you to iterate over each element of a collection (such as an array or a hash) and perform an action on each element.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the each method works:

  1. The each method is called on a collection object, such as an array or a hash. For example, if you have an array called numbers, you would call the each method like this: numbers.each.

  2. Inside the parentheses after each, you provide a block of code that will be executed for each element of the collection. The block of code is wrapped in curly braces {} or do...end. For example, if you want to print each element of the numbers array, you would write the block of code like this: numbers.each { |number| puts number }.

  3. The each method iterates over each element of the collection one by one. It starts with the first element and goes through each subsequent element until it reaches the end of the collection.

  4. For each element, the block of code provided to each is executed. In our example, the block of code |number| puts number prints each element of the numbers array.

  5. After the block of code is executed for each element, the each method returns the original collection object. This allows you to chain other methods or perform further operations on the collection.

That's how the each method works in Ruby. It's a powerful tool for iterating over collections and performing actions on each element.