button submit rails with font awesome

To create a button with a submit action in Ruby on Rails using the Font Awesome library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the Font Awesome gem: Add the Font Awesome gem to your Gemfile by including the line gem 'font-awesome-rails'. Then, run bundle install to install the gem.

  2. Include the Font Awesome stylesheet: In your application.scss file, add @import "font-awesome"; to include the Font Awesome stylesheet.

  3. Create the submit button: In your view file (e.g., .html.erb or .slim), use the button_tag helper method to create the button. Inside the button tag, add the Font Awesome icon class using the fa class prefix, followed by the desired icon class. For example, to use the envelope icon, you can add class: "fa fa-envelope" to the button_tag.

Example: <%= button_tag(type: 'submit', class: "fa fa-envelope") %>

This will create a submit button with the envelope icon from Font Awesome.

  1. Customize the button: You can further customize the button by adding additional classes or attributes to the button_tag. For example, you can add a custom class for styling purposes or specify an ID for JavaScript manipulation.

Example: <%= button_tag(type: 'submit', class: "fa fa-envelope custom-class", id: "submit-button") %>

This will add the custom class "custom-class" and the ID "submit-button" to the button.

  1. Handle the form submission: In your controller, define the action to be performed when the button is clicked. This typically involves updating or saving data, redirecting to another page, or rendering a different view.

Example: In the controller's action method, you might have code like def create, where you can handle the form submission logic.

That's it! You now have a submit button in Ruby on Rails using the Font Awesome library. Remember to adjust the steps according to your specific requirements and project setup.