how to link to with font awesome rails

To link to Font Awesome in a Ruby on Rails project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Font Awesome gem to your Gemfile by opening it in your text editor and adding the following line: gem 'font-awesome-sass'

  2. Save the Gemfile and run the bundle install command in your terminal to install the gem: bundle install

  3. Next, import Font Awesome in your application.scss file by opening it in your text editor and adding the following line: @import 'font-awesome-sprockets'; @import 'font-awesome';

  4. Save the application.scss file.

  5. Restart your Rails server to apply the changes.

  6. You can now use Font Awesome icons in your views. For example, to add a heart icon, you can use the following code: <%= fa_icon 'heart' %>

This will render the heart icon in your view.

  1. To customize the size, color, or other properties of the icon, you can pass additional options to the fa_icon method. For example: <%= fa_icon 'heart', class: 'text-red', size: '2x' %>

In this example, the icon will have the class "text-red" and a size of "2x".

That's it! You have successfully linked Font Awesome with Ruby on Rails and can now use its icons in your project.