microsoft office 2016 txt file activator

To activate a .txt file in Microsoft Office 2016 using Ruby, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary libraries: Begin by importing the required libraries in Ruby to interact with Microsoft Office files. You can use the 'win32ole' library for this purpose.

  2. Open the Microsoft Office application: Use the '' method to create an instance of the specific Microsoft Office application you want to activate the .txt file in, such as Word or Excel.

  3. Open the .txt file: Once you have the instance of the application, use the 'Documents.Open' method to open the .txt file. Specify the path to the .txt file as the argument for this method.

  4. Activate the file: After opening the .txt file, you need to activate it in the Microsoft Office application. Use the 'Activate' method on the opened document to make it the active document within the application.

  5. Save and close the file: Finally, use the 'Save' method to save any changes made to the .txt file. Then, use the 'Close' method to close the document.

Here is an example of how the code might look in Ruby:

require 'win32ole'

# Create an instance of Microsoft Word
word ='Word.Application')

# Open the .txt file
document = word.Documents.Open('C:\path\to\your\file.txt')

# Activate the file

# Save and close the file

# Quit the Microsoft Word application

Please note that the code provided is an example and may need modifications based on your specific requirements or environment.