FATAL: database does not exist rails

  1. Check the database configuration file (config/database.yml) to ensure that the correct database name is specified for the environment you are working with (development, test, or production).

  2. Verify that the database server is running and accessible. You can do this by attempting to connect to the database using the command-line interface or a database management tool.

  3. If the database does not exist, create it by running the appropriate command. For example, in Ruby on Rails, you can use the rails db:create command to create the database specified in your configuration file.

  4. Once the database is created, run any necessary migrations to set up the necessary tables and schema. In Rails, you can use the rails db:migrate command to run any pending migrations.

  5. If you already have an existing database with data, you can restore it from a backup or import the data using tools provided by your database management system.

  6. After completing these steps, restart your Rails application to ensure that the changes take effect.

  7. If you continue to encounter the "database does not exist" error, double-check your configuration file and ensure that the correct database name is specified.

Remember to always double-check your code and configuration files for any errors or typos that may be causing the issue. Additionally, consult the documentation or seek help from the Ruby on Rails community if you are still unable to resolve the problem.