is there a way of changing the key of a hash

To change the key of a hash in Ruby, you can follow these steps:

  1. Get the value associated with the key you want to change using the delete method. This method removes the key-value pair from the hash and returns the value.
  2. Create a new key-value pair with the new key and the value obtained from step 1.
  3. Delete the old key-value pair using the delete method again, but this time passing in the old key.

Here's an example that demonstrates these steps:

hash = { "old_key" => "value" }
new_key = "new_key"

value = hash.delete("old_key")  # Step 1: Get the value associated with the old key
hash[new_key] = value          # Step 2: Create a new key-value pair with the new key and the value
hash.delete("old_key")         # Step 3: Delete the old key-value pair

puts hash  # Output: {"new_key"=>"value"}

In this example, we have a hash with the key "old_key" and the value "value". We want to change the key to "new_key".

First, we use the delete method to get the value associated with the "old_key" and store it in the value variable. This removes the "old_key" key-value pair from the hash.

Then, we create a new key-value pair in the hash using the [] operator. We assign the value to the "new_key". This effectively changes the key of the value to "new_key".

Finally, we use the delete method again to remove the "old_key" key-value pair from the hash.

After these steps, the hash will contain the updated key-value pair: {"new_key"=>"value"}.