how to force exit server in rails

How to Force Exit a Server in Rails

To force exit a server in Rails, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open the terminal or command prompt.
  2. Find the process ID (PID) of the server that you want to force exit. You can use the lsof command to list the open files and their associated processes. Run the following command:

lsof -i :<port_number>

Replace <port_number> with the actual port number of your Rails server.

  1. Identify the process ID (PID) of the server process from the output of the lsof command.
  2. Use the kill command to force exit the server process. Run the following command:

kill -9 <PID>

Replace <PID> with the actual process ID obtained from the previous step.

By following these steps, you will be able to force exit the Rails server.

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