ruby hash merge

The merge method in Ruby is used to combine two hashes into one. Here's an explanation of each step involved in using the merge method:

  1. First, you need two hashes that you want to merge. Let's call them hash1 and hash2.

  2. To merge the hashes, you can use the merge method and pass in the second hash as an argument. The syntax for this is hash1.merge(hash2).

  3. The merge method will create a new hash that contains all the key-value pairs from both hash1 and hash2. If there are any duplicate keys, the values from hash2 will overwrite the values from hash1.

  4. The merge method does not modify the original hashes. Instead, it returns a new hash with the merged key-value pairs.

  5. If you want to store the merged hash in a new variable, you can assign the result of the merge method to that variable. For example, merged_hash = hash1.merge(hash2).

  6. If you want to merge the hashes in-place, meaning modifying the original hash1 with the merged key-value pairs, you can use the merge! method instead. The syntax for this is hash1.merge!(hash2).

  7. The merge! method modifies the original hash1 by adding the key-value pairs from hash2. Again, if there are any duplicate keys, the values from hash2 will overwrite the values from hash1.

  8. After merging the hashes, you can access the key-value pairs in the merged hash using the usual hash syntax. For example, merged_hash[key] will give you the value associated with the given key in the merged hash.