rails video_tag with

The video_tag helper in Ruby on Rails is used to generate HTML tags for embedding videos in web pages. Here are the steps involved in using the video_tag helper:

  1. Ensure that you have the necessary video file available in your Rails application's asset folder.

  2. In your Rails view file (e.g., .html.erb or .html.slim), use the video_tag helper to generate the HTML video tag. The video_tag helper takes several arguments:

a. The first argument is the source of the video file. You can pass either a string representing the file path or a URL.

b. The second argument is an optional hash of HTML attributes to be added to the video tag. These attributes can include options like width, height, autoplay, controls, and more.

c. The third argument is also an optional hash of options specifically for the video tag. These options include options like preload, poster, and loop.

  1. Save the view file and reload the web page to see the embedded video.

By following these steps, you can use the video_tag helper to embed videos in your Ruby on Rails application.