rails status migrations

To check the status of migrations in a Ruby on Rails application, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Navigate to your Rails application's root directory using the cd command.

  3. Run the following command to display the status of migrations:

bash rails db:migrate:status

This command provides information about the status of migrations, including their version, name, and status (migrated, pending, etc.).

If you have multiple environments (e.g., development, test, production), you can specify the environment using the -e or --env option. For example:

bash rails db:migrate:status -e production

Replace "production" with the desired environment.

  1. Review the output to understand the current state of migrations in your Rails application. The status column will indicate whether a migration has been applied (up) or is pending (down).

  2. up: The migration has been applied.

  3. down: The migration is pending and hasn't been applied.

That's it! You've checked the status of migrations in your Ruby on Rails application.