merge two lists together ruby

To merge two lists together in Ruby, you can use the + operator or the concat method. Here are the steps to merge two lists:

  1. Create the two lists that you want to merge. Let's call them list1 and list2.

  2. Use the + operator to concatenate the two lists. This will create a new list that contains all the elements from both lists. For example:

ruby merged_list = list1 + list2

This will append list2 to the end of list1 and assign the merged result to the merged_list variable.

Alternatively, you can use the concat method to achieve the same result:

ruby merged_list = list1.concat(list2)

This method modifies list1 in place by appending the elements from list2 to it.

  1. Now, merged_list contains all the elements from both list1 and list2. You can use it further in your program as needed.

That's it! You have successfully merged two lists together in Ruby. Remember to adjust the variable names and list contents according to your specific use case.