ruby check if exists

Ruby: Check if a File Exists

To check if a file exists in Ruby, you can use the File.exist? method. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Use the File.exist? Method:
  2. The File.exist? method returns true if the file exists and false if it doesn't.
  3. Example: ruby if File.exist?('path_to_file') puts 'File exists' else puts 'File does not exist' end

  4. Example Usage:

  5. Suppose you want to check if a file named "example.txt" exists in the current directory: ruby if File.exist?('example.txt') puts 'File exists' else puts 'File does not exist' end

  6. Explanation of the Code:

  7. In this example, the File.exist?('example.txt') method is used to check if the file "example.txt" exists in the current directory.
  8. If the file exists, it will output "File exists"; otherwise, it will output "File does not exist".

By using the File.exist? method, you can easily check for the existence of a file in Ruby.