ruby file get line number

To get the line number of a specific line in a Ruby file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ruby file: Use the method to open the Ruby file and store it in a variable. For example:
file ="example.rb")
  1. Read the file line by line: Use the each_with_index method to iterate over each line in the file and get its line number. For example:
file.each_with_index do |line, line_number|
  # Code to be executed for each line
  1. Find the specific line: Within the iteration, you can compare the current line with the line you are looking for. If they match, you can store the line number in a variable. For example:
line_to_find = "puts 'Hello, world!'"
line_number = nil

file.each_with_index do |line, current_line_number|
  if line == line_to_find
    line_number = current_line_number + 1
  1. Close the file: After you have found the line number, it is good practice to close the file using the close method. For example:

Note: Make sure to replace "example.rb" with the actual path or name of your Ruby file, and "puts 'Hello, world!'" with the line you want to search for.