ruby measure time

To measure time in Ruby, you can use the Time class and its various methods. Here is an example of how you can measure time in Ruby:

  1. First, you need to require the 'time' library in your Ruby program by adding the following line at the top of your file:

require 'time'

  1. To measure the execution time of a specific block of code, you can use the Benchmark.measure method. This method takes a block of code as an argument and returns a Benchmark::Tms object, which contains information about the measured time.

```ruby require 'benchmark'

result = Benchmark.measure do # Your code to measure execution time here end ```

  1. Inside the block, you can place the code that you want to measure the execution time for. This can be any Ruby code, such as a method, a loop, or a specific calculation.

ruby result = Benchmark.measure do # Code to measure execution time here # For example: 1000000.times do Math.sqrt(1234567890) end end

  1. After the block of code has executed, you can access the measured time values from the result object. The result object has several methods that provide different time measurements, such as real, user, system, total, etc.

ruby puts "Execution time: #{result.real} seconds" puts "User CPU time: #{result.utime} seconds" puts "System CPU time: #{result.stime} seconds" puts "Total CPU time: #{} seconds"

The real method returns the elapsed real time in seconds, while the utime method returns the user CPU time and the stime method returns the system CPU time. The total method returns the sum of the user and system CPU times.

That's how you can measure time in Ruby using the Benchmark module. Remember to require the 'benchmark' library and use the Benchmark.measure method to measure the execution time of your code.