find path of module in ruby

To find the path of a module in Ruby, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the Module#name method to get the name of the module. This method returns a string representation of the module's name.

  2. Call the Module#ancestors method on the module to get an array of all the ancestors of the module, including itself. The ancestors method returns an array of modules and classes in the order they would be searched for a method.

  3. Iterate through the array of ancestors using a loop or an iterator method like each or map. For each module in the array, check if its name matches the name of the module you are searching for.

  4. If a match is found, you can store the path by concatenating the names of the modules leading up to the desired module, separated by double colons (::).

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

module MyModule
  module NestedModule
    class MyClass

module_to_find_path = MyModule::NestedModule::MyClass

module_name =
ancestors = module_to_find_path.ancestors

module_path = ""
ancestors.each do |ancestor|
  if == module_name
    module_path =
    module_path += "#{}::"

puts module_path

In this example, the module_to_find_path variable is set to the module MyModule::NestedModule::MyClass. The code then retrieves the name of this module and its ancestors. It iterates through the array of ancestors and checks if the name matches the desired module. If a match is found, it stores the path by concatenating the names of the modules. Finally, it prints the module path, which in this case would be MyModule::NestedModule::MyClass.