ruby module's path

Ruby Module's Path

To determine the path of a Ruby module, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the module's name: Determine the name of the module you want to find the path for. For example, let's say we want to find the path for the module named "MyModule".

  2. Search for the module: Use the Ruby Module.constants method to get an array of all the top-level constants defined in the current scope. This will include the names of all the modules defined in your Ruby program.

ruby Module.constants

This will return an array of constant names, including the name of the module you're looking for.

  1. Get the module object: Once you have the name of the module, you can use the Module.const_get method to get the module object.

ruby module_object = Module.const_get(:MyModule)

This will return the module object for the specified module name.

  1. Retrieve the module's path: To get the path of the module, you can use the Module#name method on the module object.

ruby module_path =

The Module#name method returns the fully qualified name of the module, including the names of any parent modules or namespaces.

For example, if the module "MyModule" is defined inside another module called "MyNamespace", the path would be "MyNamespace::MyModule".

That's how you can find the path of a Ruby module. Remember to replace "MyModule" with the actual name of the module you're looking for.

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