ruby get substring between two characters

Ruby: Getting a Substring Between Two Characters

To get a substring between two characters in Ruby, you can use regular expressions. Regular expressions provide a powerful way to match and manipulate strings based on patterns. Here's an example of how you can use regular expressions to extract a substring between two characters in Ruby:

string = "This is a [sample] string"
substring = string[/\[(.*?)\]/, 1]
puts substring

Explanation of the code: 1. We define a string variable string that contains the original string. 2. We use the [] method with a regular expression pattern /\[(.*?)\]/ to match the substring between square brackets. - \[ matches the opening square bracket. - (.*?) is a capturing group that matches any character (non-greedy) between the square brackets. - \] matches the closing square bracket. 3. The , 1 argument in string[/\[(.*?)\]/, 1] specifies that we want to retrieve the content of the first capturing group. 4. Finally, we print the extracted substring using puts.

The output of the above code will be:


This code extracts the substring between the first pair of square brackets it encounters in the string. If you want to extract all occurrences of the substring between square brackets, you can use the scan method with a regular expression pattern instead:

string = "This is a [sample] string [with] multiple [substrings]"
substrings = string.scan(/\[(.*?)\]/).flatten
puts substrings

Explanation of the code: 1. We define a string variable string that contains the original string. 2. We use the scan method with a regular expression pattern /\[(.*?)\]/ to find all occurrences of the substring between square brackets. - \[ matches the opening square bracket. - (.*?) is a capturing group that matches any character (non-greedy) between the square brackets. - \] matches the closing square bracket. 3. The scan method returns an array of arrays, where each inner array represents the captured substrings. 4. We use the flatten method to convert the array of arrays into a single-dimensional array. 5. Finally, we print the extracted substrings using puts.

The output of the above code will be:


This code extracts all occurrences of the substring between square brackets in the string.
