rails image tag

<%= image_tag("image.jpg", alt: "Description", class: "img-class", size: "100x100", data: { attribute1: 'value1', attribute2: 'value2' }) %>

Explanation of each step:

  1. <%=: Embeds Ruby code into the HTML template.

  2. image_tag("image.jpg", ...): Generates an HTML image tag with the specified image source and additional attributes.

  3. "image.jpg": The source of the image file.

  4. alt: "Description": Specifies the alternative text for the image, used for accessibility.

  5. class: "img-class": Assigns a CSS class to the image for styling purposes.

  6. size: "100x100": Sets the dimensions of the image (width x height).

  7. data: { attribute1: 'value1', attribute2: 'value2' }: Adds custom data attributes to the image tag, which can be accessed using JavaScript.

  8. %>: Closes the Ruby code block. ```