rails resources except

To exclude certain actions from the resources generated by Ruby on Rails, you can use the "except" method. Here are the steps to implement this:

  1. Start by opening the relevant controller file in your Rails application. This file should be located in the "app/controllers" directory.

  2. Locate the line where you define the resources for your controller using the "resources" method. This line typically looks like this:

ruby resources :your_resource_name

  1. To exclude specific actions, add the "except" method to the line where you define the resources. The "except" method takes a list of symbols representing the actions you want to exclude.

ruby resources :your_resource_name, except: [:action1, :action2]

Replace "your_resource_name" with the actual name of your resource, and "action1" and "action2" with the names of the actions you want to exclude.

  1. Save the changes to the controller file.

By following these steps, you can effectively exclude specific actions from the resources generated by Ruby on Rails for your controller. This can be useful when you want to limit the available actions for a particular resource.