base64 decode ruby

To decode a Base64-encoded string in Ruby, you can use the Base64 module, which is part of the Ruby standard library. Here are the steps to decode a Base64 string in Ruby:

  1. First, you need to require the base64 module in your Ruby code by adding the following line at the beginning of your script:
require 'base64'
  1. Next, you can decode the Base64 string using the decode64 method provided by the Base64 module. This method takes the Base64-encoded string as an argument and returns the decoded binary data. Here's how you can use it:
encoded_string = "SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
decoded_data = Base64.decode64(encoded_string)

In this example, encoded_string is the Base64-encoded string that you want to decode, and decoded_data will store the decoded binary data.

  1. If you want to convert the decoded binary data to a string, you can use the force_encoding method to specify the desired encoding. For example, if you want to convert the decoded data to UTF-8 encoding, you can do it like this:
decoded_string = decoded_data.force_encoding('UTF-8')

In this case, decoded_string will contain the decoded string in UTF-8 encoding.

That's it! You have successfully decoded a Base64 string in Ruby using the Base64 module. Remember to handle any exceptions that may occur during the decoding process, such as invalid Base64 input or encoding errors.