rails g resource

The "rails g resource" command in Ruby on Rails is used to generate a new resource, which includes a model, a controller, and a set of views for a specified resource. When using this command, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Specify the resource name after the "rails g resource" command, for example: "rails g resource Product".

  2. This will generate a migration file for the resource, which can be used to define the structure of the database table for the resource.

  3. It will also create a model file for the resource, where you can define the associations and validations for the resource.

  4. Additionally, a controller file will be created, which includes actions for handling the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the resource.

  5. Views for the resource will also be generated, including templates for displaying the resource data.

  6. After running the "rails g resource" command and following these steps, you can further customize the generated files to fit the specific requirements of your application.