activerecord list tables

To list the tables in a Ruby on Rails application using ActiveRecord, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Rails application.

  2. Start the Rails console by typing rails console or rails c in the terminal and pressing Enter.

  3. Once the Rails console is running, you can use the ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables method to retrieve a list of all the tables in your application's database.

  4. Type ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables in the console and press Enter.

  5. The console will display an array of table names, such as ["users", "posts", "comments", ...]. These are the names of the tables in your application's database.

  6. You can use this list of table names to perform various operations on the tables, such as querying data or updating records.

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to list the tables in your Ruby on Rails application using ActiveRecord.