ruby uuid

To generate a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) in Ruby, you can use the SecureRandom module from the Ruby standard library. Here are the steps to generate a UUID in Ruby:

  1. Import the SecureRandom module:
require 'securerandom'

This line of code imports the SecureRandom module, which provides methods for generating random numbers, strings, and UUIDs.

  1. Generate a UUID:
uuid = SecureRandom.uuid

This line of code generates a UUID using the uuid method from the SecureRandom module. The generated UUID is assigned to the variable uuid.

  1. Use the generated UUID:
puts uuid

This line of code prints the generated UUID to the console. You can replace puts uuid with your desired code to use the UUID in your application.

That's it! These steps will allow you to generate a UUID in Ruby using the SecureRandom module.