rails get current path

To get the current path in a Ruby on Rails application, you can use the request object. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

  1. Access the request object: In a Rails controller or view, you can access the request object directly without needing to explicitly declare it. The request object contains information about the current HTTP request.

  2. Use the path method: The request object has a path method that returns the path of the current request as a string. This method will give you the current URL path without the host and query string.

Here's an example of how you can get the current path in Ruby on Rails:

def some_controller_action
  current_path = request.path
  # Use the 'current_path' variable as needed

In the above example, current_path will contain the current URL path. You can then use this variable as needed, such as for conditional logic or to display the current path to the user.

Remember to replace some_controller_action with the actual name of your controller action where you want to get the current path.