ruby open file nokogiri

To open a file and use Nokogiri in Ruby, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, require the Nokogiri library in your Ruby script by adding the following line at the beginning of your code: ruby require 'nokogiri'

  2. Next, specify the file path of the XML or HTML file you want to work with. For example, if your file is named "example.xml" and is located in the same directory as your Ruby script, you can set the file path like this: ruby file_path = "example.xml"

  3. To open the file, use the method, passing in the file path and the file mode as arguments. If you only need to read the file, use the "r" mode: ruby file =, "r")

  4. Once the file is open, you can create a Nokogiri document by calling the Nokogiri::XML or Nokogiri::HTML method and passing in the opened file as an argument. For example, if you're working with an XML file, use: ruby doc = Nokogiri::XML(file)

  5. Now you can perform various operations on the Nokogiri document, such as searching for specific elements or extracting data. For example, to find all the <title> elements in the document, you can use the css method: ruby titles = doc.css("title")

  6. After you're done working with the file, it's good practice to close it using the File.close method: ruby file.close

These steps allow you to open a file and start using Nokogiri in Ruby to manipulate XML or HTML data. Remember to adjust the code according to your specific requirements and file paths.