R language get help on a dataset

To get help on a dataset in R language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the head() function to view the first few rows of the dataset.
  2. Use the str() function to get the structure of the dataset, including the data types of each column.
  3. Use the summary() function to get a summary of the dataset, including minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, and maximum values for numeric columns.
  4. Use the dim() function to get the dimensions of the dataset, i.e., the number of rows and columns.
  5. Use the names() function to get the column names of the dataset.
  6. Use the unique() function to get the unique values in a specific column of the dataset.
  7. Use the table() function to get the frequency of each unique value in a specific column of the dataset.

These steps will help you understand and explore the dataset in R language.