round floor ceiling

The R programming language provides several functions for performing mathematical operations. In this case, you are looking for functions that can round a number to the nearest whole number, round down to the nearest whole number, and round up to the nearest whole number. Here is an explanation of each step:

  1. Round: The round() function in R is used to round a number to the nearest whole number. It follows the standard rounding rule where numbers ending in 0.5 or higher are rounded up, and numbers below 0.5 are rounded down. For example, if you have the number 4.6 and you want to round it to the nearest whole number, you would use the round() function like this: round(4.6). The result would be 5.

  2. Floor: The floor() function in R is used to round a number down to the nearest whole number. This means that any decimal portion of the number is dropped, and only the integer part remains. For example, if you have the number 4.6 and you want to round it down to the nearest whole number, you would use the floor() function like this: floor(4.6). The result would be 4.

  3. Ceiling: The ceiling() function in R is used to round a number up to the nearest whole number. This means that any decimal portion of the number is rounded up to the next integer. For example, if you have the number 4.6 and you want to round it up to the nearest whole number, you would use the ceiling() function like this: ceiling(4.6). The result would be 5.

These functions can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as when you need to perform calculations that require whole numbers or when you want to display numbers in a more readable format. By using these rounding functions in R, you can manipulate numbers and perform calculations with precision and accuracy.