
# Assuming you have a data frame named 'df' with columns 'group', 'value1', and 'value2'

# Step 1: Define the formula for aggregation
formula <- value1 ~ group

# Step 2: Use the aggregate function to perform aggregation
aggregated_data <- aggregate(formula, data = df, FUN = sum)

# Step 3: Display the aggregated data

In this code: - Replace 'df' with the name of your data frame. - 'group' is the variable by which you want to aggregate. - 'value1' is the variable you want to sum within each group. - The formula value1 ~ group specifies the aggregation rule. - The aggregate function is applied to the data frame using the specified formula and aggregation function (sum in this case). The result is stored in the 'aggregated_data' variable. - The aggregated data is then printed.