knn accuracy in r

To calculate the accuracy of k-nearest neighbors (knn) in R, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the necessary libraries In R, you will need to import the required libraries for working with knn. The most commonly used library is "class," which provides the knn function. You can import it using the following code:


Step 2: Load your dataset You will need to load your dataset into R. Ensure that your dataset is in a suitable format, such as a data frame or matrix.

Step 3: Split your data into training and testing sets To evaluate the accuracy of knn, you need to split your data into training and testing sets. The training set is used to train the knn model, while the testing set is used to evaluate its accuracy. You can use the createDataPartition function from the "caret" library to split your data into training and testing sets:

trainIndex <- createDataPartition(your_target_variable, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
trainData <- your_data[trainIndex, ]
testData <- your_data[-trainIndex, ]

Make sure to replace "your_target_variable" with the name of the variable you want to predict and "your_data" with the name of your dataset.

Step 4: Train the knn model Now, you can train the knn model using the training data. The knn function from the "class" library is used for this purpose. You will need to specify the number of neighbors (k) and other parameters depending on your specific needs. Here's an example:

k <- 3
knn_model <- knn(train = trainData[, -your_target_variable], test = testData[, -your_target_variable], cl = trainData[, your_target_variable], k = k)

Again, replace "your_target_variable" with the name of the variable you want to predict.

Step 5: Evaluate the accuracy of the knn model To evaluate the accuracy of the knn model, you can compare the predicted values with the actual values from the testing set. You can use the table function to create a confusion matrix and calculate the accuracy as follows:

confusion_matrix <- table(knn_model, testData[, your_target_variable])
accuracy <- sum(diag(confusion_matrix)) / sum(confusion_matrix)

The table function creates a confusion matrix of predicted vs. actual values, while sum(diag(confusion_matrix)) calculates the sum of the diagonal elements (i.e., the correctly classified instances). Dividing it by sum(confusion_matrix) gives you the accuracy of the knn model.

That's it! You have now calculated the accuracy of knn in R. Remember to replace "your_target_variable" and "your_data" with the appropriate names in your code.