Print the names of all worksheets in r

In R, you can use the openxlsx package to print the names of all worksheets in an Excel file. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Install the openxlsx package by running the following command in R:
  1. Load the openxlsx package into your R session:
  1. Use the loadWorkbook() function to load the Excel file into R. Replace "path/to/your/file.xlsx" with the actual path to your Excel file:
wb <- loadWorkbook("path/to/your/file.xlsx")
  1. Use the getSheetNames() function to get the names of all worksheets in the Excel file:
sheet_names <- getSheetNames(wb)
  1. Print the names of all worksheets:

By following these steps, you should be able to print the names of all worksheets in an Excel file using R.