decompose function in r

# Assuming 'ts_data' is the time series data you want to decompose
# You may need to install and load the 'stats' package if not already done
# install.packages("stats")
# library(stats)

# Decompose the time series using the decompose function
decomposed_ts <- decompose(ts_data)

# Access the trend, seasonal, and remainder components
trend_component <- decomposed_ts$trend
seasonal_component <- decomposed_ts$seasonal
remainder_component <- decomposed_ts$random
  • The decompose function is used to decompose a time series into its components, namely trend, seasonal, and remainder components.

  • The ts_data is the time series data that you want to decompose.

  • The result of the decomposition is stored in the variable decomposed_ts.

  • The trend_component variable contains the trend component of the time series.

  • The seasonal_component variable contains the seasonal component of the time series.

  • The remainder_component variable contains the remainder or residual component of the time series, which represents the unexplained variation after removing the trend and seasonal components.