extract hyperlinks in r

To extract hyperlinks in R, you can follow these steps:

  1. Load the required packages:
  2. Use the library() function to load the rvest package, which is used for web scraping.

  3. Specify the URL:

  4. Assign the URL of the webpage containing the hyperlinks to a variable.

  5. Read the HTML content:

  6. Use the read_html() function from the rvest package to read the HTML content of the webpage.
  7. Pass the URL variable as the argument.

  8. Extract the hyperlinks:

  9. Use the html_nodes() function from the rvest package to select the HTML nodes that contain the hyperlinks.
  10. Pass the HTML content and the CSS selector for hyperlinks, such as "a", as arguments.

  11. Get the href attribute:

  12. Use the html_attr() function from the rvest package to extract the href attribute from the selected HTML nodes.
  13. Pass the HTML nodes obtained in the previous step and the attribute name "href" as arguments.

  14. Store the extracted hyperlinks:

  15. Assign the extracted hyperlinks to a variable for further use or analysis.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:


# Step 2: Specify the URL
url <- "https://www.example.com"

# Step 3: Read the HTML content
html_content <- read_html(url)

# Step 4: Extract the hyperlinks
hyperlinks <- html_nodes(html_content, "a")

# Step 5: Get the href attribute
href_attributes <- html_attr(hyperlinks, "href")

# Step 6: Store the extracted hyperlinks
extracted_links <- href_attributes

Please note that you need to replace "https://www.example.com" with the actual URL you want to extract hyperlinks from.