get plot title over two lines R

To get a plot title in R and split it over two lines, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the plot title: Assign a string value to a variable representing the plot title. For example, you can use the following code to define the plot title as "Analysis of Sales Data":
plot_title <- "Analysis of Sales Data"
  1. Split the plot title over two lines: Use the strwrap() function to split the plot title into multiple lines. The strwrap() function takes the input string and wraps it to fit within a specified width. Here's an example of splitting the plot title into two lines, with a width of 10 characters per line:
plot_title <- strwrap(plot_title, width = 10)

After executing this code, the variable plot_title will contain a character vector with each element representing a line of the split plot title. In this example, plot_title will be equal to c("Analysis", "of Sales Data").

  1. Print the split plot title: To display the split plot title, you can use the cat() function to concatenate and print the elements of the character vector. Here's how you can print the split plot title:
cat(plot_title, sep = "\n")

The sep = "\n" argument ensures that each element of the character vector is printed on a new line. Running this code will output the split plot title as:

of Sales Data

By following these steps, you can define a plot title in R and split it over two lines without using personal words or sentences at the beginning and end of your reply.