excecute a for loop line by line in r

Here is an example of how to execute a for loop line by line in R, along with explanations for each step:

# Create a vector of numbers from 1 to 5
numbers <- 1:5

# Create an empty vector to store the results
results <- vector()

# Iterate over each number in the vector using a for loop
for (i in numbers) {
  # Square the current number and store the result in the results vector
  results <- c(results, i^2)

# Print the final results vector


  1. Create a vector of numbers from 1 to 5 using the colon operator (1:5). This creates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 5 and assigns it to the variable numbers.

  2. Create an empty vector called results using the vector() function. This vector will be used to store the squared values of each number.

  3. Start the for loop by using the for keyword, followed by specifying a variable (i in this case) to represent each element in the numbers vector.

  4. Within the for loop, the code inside the curly braces {} will be executed for each iteration. In this case, we want to square the current number and store the result in the results vector.

  5. Use the c() function to concatenate the current value of results with the squared value of i, and assign it back to results. This ensures that the results vector keeps growing with each iteration of the loop.

  6. After the for loop is complete, the final results vector will contain the squared values of each number.

  7. Print the final results vector to the console using the print() function or by simply typing the variable name results. This will display the squared values of each number in the vector.