unite vectors to dataframe

To unite vectors into a dataframe in R, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the vectors: First, create the vectors that you want to combine into a dataframe. Ensure that the vectors have the same length, as each vector will correspond to a column in the resulting dataframe.

  2. Use the data.frame() function: To unite the vectors into a dataframe, you can use the data.frame() function. This function takes the vectors as arguments and returns a dataframe where each vector becomes a column.

  3. Assign the dataframe to a variable: Assign the resulting dataframe to a variable so that you can access and manipulate it later if needed. You can use the assignment operator <- to assign the dataframe to a variable.

Here's an example that demonstrates these steps:

# Step 1: Create the vectors
name <- c("John", "Jane", "Mike")
age <- c(25, 30, 35)
city <- c("New York", "Chicago", "Los Angeles")

# Step 2: Use the data.frame() function
df <- data.frame(name, age, city)

# Step 3: Assign the dataframe to a variable

In this example, we create three vectors: name, age, and city. Each vector represents a column in the resulting dataframe. Then, we use the data.frame() function to combine these vectors into a dataframe called df. Finally, we print the contents of the dataframe to see the result.

The resulting dataframe df will look like this:

  name age        city
1 John  25    New York
2 Jane  30    Chicago
3 Mike  35 Los Angeles

Each vector becomes a column in the dataframe, and the values are arranged row-wise.