base R change axis line width

To change the axis line width in base R, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Identify the plot or chart where you want to change the axis line width. Make sure you have the necessary data and have created the plot using the basic R plotting functions (e.g., plot, barplot, boxplot, etc.).

  2. Once you have the plot, use the par function to modify the graphical parameters. Specifically, you will use the lwd parameter to change the axis line width. The lwd parameter accepts a numeric value that represents the line width. Higher values indicate thicker lines.

  3. To change the axis line width, use the following syntax:

par(lwd = value)

Replace value with the desired line width. For example, if you want a line width of 2, you would use par(lwd = 2).

  1. After setting the lwd parameter, proceed with plotting your data or chart using the appropriate function. The axis lines will now have the specified line width.

Note: It's important to note that the par function modifies the graphical parameters globally for the current R session. If you want to reset the line width back to the default value, you can use par(lwd = 1).

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to change the axis line width in base R.