r produce 10 alphabet

  1. Load the R environment by opening R or RStudio.
  2. Create a new script or open an existing one.
  3. Use the "letters" function to generate all the lowercase letters of the alphabet.
  4. Assign the result to a variable, for example, "alphabets."
  5. Print the content of the variable "alphabets" to the console.
  6. Verify that the output contains all 26 lowercase letters of the English alphabet.
  7. Use the "substr" function to extract the first 10 letters from the "alphabets" variable.
  8. Store the extracted 10 letters in a new variable, for instance, "first_10_alphabets."
  9. Print the content of the variable "first_10_alphabets" to the console.
  10. Confirm that the output consists of the first 10 letters of the English alphabet.