check argument of function in r

To check the argument of a function in R, you can use the args() function. Here are the steps:

  1. First, you need to have the function you want to check in your R environment. Make sure the function is loaded or defined before proceeding.

  2. Use the args() function followed by the name of the function you want to check. For example, if you want to check the arguments of the mean() function, you would use args(mean).

  3. The args() function will return the arguments of the specified function. It will display the names of the arguments, along with their default values if applicable.

  4. If the function does not have any arguments, the args() function will return an empty list.

Here is an example:

# Check the arguments of the mean() function


function (x, ...) 

In this example, the args() function shows that the mean() function has two arguments: x and .... The ... argument is used to pass additional arguments to other functions within the mean() function.

That's how you can check the arguments of a function in R using the args() function.