regex examples

Regular Expression Example 1: Matching a Line that Doesn't Contain a Specific Word

The regular expression in this example is used to match a line that doesn't contain a specific word. The snippet provides an explanation of why it is not possible to achieve this using POSIX grep, but it is possible with GNU grep using the -E flag [3].

Regular Expression Example 2: Matching Duplicate Words

The regular expression in this example is used to match duplicate words in a string. The snippet provides an explanation of how the expression works, including the use of capturing groups and backreferences [5].

Regular Expression Example 3: Matching a Line with Specific Criteria

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 4: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 5: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 6: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 7: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 8: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 9: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.

Regular Expression Example 10: No Example Found

There is no specific regular expression example provided in the search results for this scenario.