get list of words that are in two lists using set

To get a list of words that are common between two lists using the R programming language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create two lists of words: Start by defining two lists of words that you want to compare. Let's call them "list1" and "list2". Make sure both lists are of the same length and contain only words.

  2. Convert the lists to sets: In R, sets are not built-in data structures. However, you can achieve the same functionality using vectors. Convert both lists into vectors by using the as.vector() function.

  3. Convert the vectors to sets: To convert the vectors into sets, use the unique() function. This function removes any duplicate elements from the vector, effectively creating a set.

  4. Find the common words: To find the common words between the two sets, use the intersect() function. This function takes two sets as input and returns a new set that contains the elements present in both sets.

  5. Convert the set back to a list: To convert the set back to a list, use the as.list() function. This function converts the set into a list format.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

# Step 1: Create two lists of words
list1 <- c("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape")
list2 <- c("banana", "grape", "mango", "kiwi")

# Step 2: Convert the lists to vectors
vector1 <- as.vector(list1)
vector2 <- as.vector(list2)

# Step 3: Convert the vectors to sets
set1 <- unique(vector1)
set2 <- unique(vector2)

# Step 4: Find the common words
common_set <- intersect(set1, set2)

# Step 5: Convert the set back to a list
common_list <- as.list(common_set)

In this example, the resulting common_list will contain the words "banana" and "grape", as they are present in both list1 and list2.

I hope this explanation is clear and helps you understand how to use sets to find common words between two lists in R. Let me know if you have any further questions.