boucle sur r

  1. Start by initializing two variables, "r" and "n", to store the values of the input vectors or matrices.

  2. Use a for loop to iterate over the elements of "r". The loop should run from 1 to the length of "r".

  3. Inside the loop, access each element of "r" using the iteration variable.

  4. Perform the desired operation on the element. This could be a mathematical calculation, a logical comparison, or any other operation specific to the problem at hand.

  5. Store the result of the operation in the corresponding element of the output vector or matrix.

  6. After the loop finishes, the resulting vector or matrix will contain the results of the operations performed on each element of "r".

  7. Return the resulting vector or matrix as the output of the function or program.

Note: The specific steps and details may vary depending on the specific problem or task you are trying to solve using the R programming language. It's important to adapt the steps to your specific needs and requirements.