how to link world bank data into r

To link World Bank data into R, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the "WDI" package: The "WDI" package allows you to access World Bank data from within R. To install it, use the following command: install.packages("WDI").

  2. Load the "WDI" package: After installing the package, load it into R using the library function. Type library(WDI) in the console.

  3. Retrieve the data: To retrieve World Bank data, you need to know the specific indicator code and country code for the data you want. You can find these codes on the World Bank website or by using the WDIsearch function in R. For example, to retrieve the GDP data for the United States, you can use the following code: WDI(country = "US", indicator = "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD").

  4. Explore the data: Once you have retrieved the data, you can explore it using various functions in R. For example, you can use the head function to display the first few rows of the data, or the summary function to get summary statistics. For example, to display the first few rows of the GDP data for the United States, you can use the following code: head(mydata).

  5. Analyze the data: After exploring the data, you can perform various analyses using R's built-in functions or other packages. You can create visualizations, calculate summary statistics, or conduct regression analyses, depending on your research goals.

Remember to replace "US" and "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD" with the appropriate country code and indicator code for the data you want to retrieve. Additionally, make sure you have a stable internet connection to access the World Bank data.

I hope this explanation helps you link World Bank data into R! Let me know if you have any further questions.