skewness in r

To calculate the skewness in R, you can use the "skewness" function from the "moments" package. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install and load the "moments" package by running the following code:
  1. Create a numeric vector or data frame that represents your data. Let's assume you have a vector called "data" with your dataset.

  2. Use the "skewness" function to calculate the skewness of your data. Pass your data as an argument to the function. For example:

  1. The function will return the skewness value. A positive skewness value indicates a right-skewed distribution, while a negative skewness value indicates a left-skewed distribution. The magnitude of the skewness value indicates the degree of skewness.

That's it! You have successfully calculated the skewness of your data using R.