view table/dataframe in r

To view a table or dataframe in R, you can use the View() function or simply type the name of the object you want to view.

Step 1: Create or load a table or dataframe in R.

For example, let's say we have a dataframe called my_data:

my_data <- data.frame(
   Name = c("John", "Jane", "Alice"),
   Age = c(25, 30, 35),
   Salary = c(50000, 60000, 70000)

Step 2: Use the View() function to open a separate viewer window that displays the table or dataframe.


Alternatively, you can simply type the name of the object to view it in the console.


By executing either of these commands, the table or dataframe will be displayed in a viewer window or in the console, respectively. The viewer window allows you to interactively explore the data, whereas the console displays the data in a tabular format.

That's it! You have successfully viewed a table or dataframe in R.