select all columns except one by name in r

To select all columns except one by name in R, you can use the subset() function along with the select argument from the dplyr package. Here are the steps:

  1. Load the dplyr package:
  1. Create a subset of your data frame, excluding the column you want to remove. You can use the select argument with the negative sign (-) followed by the column name you want to exclude:
new_df <- subset(df, select = -column_name)

Replace df with the name of your data frame and column_name with the name of the column you want to exclude.

  1. Use the new_df data frame for further analysis or operations.


  • The subset() function is used to extract a subset of a data frame based on specified conditions.
  • The select argument in the subset() function allows you to specify the columns you want to include or exclude in the subset.
  • By using the negative sign (-) before the column name, you are instructing R to exclude that particular column from the subset.
  • The resulting subset is assigned to a new data frame called new_df, which can be used for further analysis or operations.

By following these steps, you can easily select all columns except one by name in R using the dplyr package.